Teezy – A name that most households will soon come to know!
A very young entrepreneur has started his home business hand sketching a soon to be very popular comic book named Teezy. Brooks “My Grandson” has been diving into various hobbies that most children his age would never think about.
Now, he has created Teezy from an incredible imagination. Brooks has decided to not only put him on paper, but circulate his comic book for others to enjoy.
Brooks has started his local marketing campaign traveling house to house on his bicycle.
While general weather apps abound, the Tempest app is different. It feeds real-time observed weather data from your backyard into a machine learning system to dramatically improve forecast accuracy where it matters most – your home. No other weather app or forecast can compare because they don’t start with the weather conditions at your specific location.
An AI-Powered Weather App With Guaranteed Accuracy
A revolutionary design with no moving parts, nearly zero maintenance, instant online data, a free personal webpage, and a rich API powering a growing list of third-party applications. Install the Tempest home weather system in less than five minutes and it will do the rest!
Nearcast Technology™
The Tempest Weather System is far more than just a cutting-edge piece of hardware. Each Tempest leverages WeatherFlow-Tempest’s patented Nearcast™ Technology – a layered solution that includes:
Better Observational Data. In addition to our Tempest Network, we ingest a massive amount of data from all conceivable sources, including satellites, radars, government surface networks and weather-equipped aircraft, as well as other private sources. Curated and standardized by our team of meteorologists and atmospheric and data scientists, there is no better input to a weather data system.
Better Modeling. Our AI-based weather modeling combines unique data assimilation, numerical modeling and machine learning. Our team of atmospheric and data scientists source the best available models from the major national weather services, including from the US and Europe. Initialized with our curated data sets, we also run our own high-resolution physics-based numerical weather forecasts. We train our AI-based output models to produce precise point-specific forecasts informed by the observations. The result is the best conceivable weather information available.
Better Decision Support. To turn this better weather data into better decisions, we provide our customers with powerful mobile applications & SaaS tools. Via our API, our data also integrates directly with the tools our customers already use. Whether deciding when to cover their plants, quickly pay an insurance claim, prepare for a drop in wind power or move an aircraft carrier, we guarantee our customers will achieve a clear and measurable return on their investment in our service.
The Johnson City, Washington County TN ARES conducted a simulated Emergency Test on November 10, 2018. Overall the test was successful. The following recaps participants on 2 meter:ARES District 9 Staff Members – 1 JC-WC ARES Staff – 8 JC-WC ARES Staff Members – 4 Non-Members – 1 Total Check-ins – 14
A new procedure has been developed to assist Net Control Operators and Stations in processing Net Traffic Reports. Plans are in place for incorporating Routine Traffic Reports in our monthly ARES Net Sessions. This procedure is available for registered users in the downloads section.